Whenever you mention the world factory, you will think of China; when it comes to the processing of Chinese mechanical parts, you will think of the world factory. This is the earth-shaking change that has taken place in China's precision machinery parts processing plants in the past 40 years since the reform and opening up, especially in the past 20 years. However, the world market's biggest impression of China's mechanical parts processing is that China's precision parts processing enterprises are not strong in innovation. The reason why China can become a world factory and its rapid rise in the world after the reform and opening up is due to the demographic dividend behind it.
However, what is neglected by the world market is that there is still a very important business model between the R&D innovation and the mechanical parts processing industry – sample processing. This business model is the cooperation mode of China's precision machinery parts processing factory to undertake world orders. This model can also be said to be the root of the rapid development of China's mechanical parts processing industry. Sample processing, from scratch, from small to large, from a small workshop of several people to become a world-famous mechanical parts processing enterprise, from learning to independent research and development, China's precision mechanical parts processing factory has never stopped innovation. pace.
The relationship between manufacturing and innovation is the most concerned topic in the academic and industry circles in recent years, and has even risen to the height of national politics. In the process of manufacturing and manufacturing mechanical parts, it actually contains the shadow of innovation. After learning and transcending, it seems to have become a consensus. The Trump administration has spared no effort to bring the mechanical parts processing industry around the world back to the United States. In addition to increasing employment, there is a solid theoretical foundation behind it: no precision mechanical parts processing plant in the field, innovation The river will dry up.